star wars extension

The first screenings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens will take place from tomorrow night in certain parts of the world. If, like me, you can't go to see it this week you're going to have a task on your hands trying to avoid spoilers. Once screenings have taken place, the internet will be full of comments and reviews of the most exciting movie to hit theaters this millennium. Thankfully, there's a Chrome browser extension to which should make it easier to avoid reading them.

Star Wars Spoiler Blocker helps you avoid spoilers by detecting content on page and blurring it out with a full-screen graphic. It's currently in version 1.0, and was originally released at the end of last month. But with this week being Star Wars week, we felt it right to bring it to your attention before it's too late.

If you have any burning questions like 'Does Luke Skywalker turn evil?', 'Will the Ewoks make an appearance?' or 'Does Princess Leia still have the gold bikini?', you'll be able to wait until you see the movie for yourself to find out. As with virtually every extension, the Star Wars Spoiler Blocker is free to install on your browser.